La liberté spatiotemporelle comme facteur d’engagement des étudiants? Étude de deux cas (peut être pas si uniques)

Using Spatial Freedom to Engage University Students: Two Case Studies (Possibly not so Unique)
Christophe Gremion - Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle (IFFP), Switzerland
Laurent Perriard - Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle (IFFP), Switzerland
Fabrice Schussele - Institut fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle (IFFP), Switzerland
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This article presents two distant education experiments carried out during the period of containment related to the COVID-19 crisis. At the time of this rapid and unforeseen change in teaching mode, the two trainers involved were able to observe significant and surprising changes on the part of some participants in terms of involvement and motivation: whereas the latter were only slightly involved during the face-to-face training, they seemed much more motivated and involved in a very relevant way in the activities carried out at a distance, whether synchronous or asynchronous. It seems that the autonomy and freedom of spatial and temporal organization they found had a beneficial impact on their learning habit, to the point that the trainers wondered how to keep this distance and freedom once the health crisis is over.

Available online: 2021-01-06


Gremion, C., Perriard, L., & Schussele, F. (2020). La liberté spatiotemporelle comme facteur d’engagement des étudiants? Étude de deux cas (peut être pas si uniques). International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 17(3), 25-31.

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