Culture des acteurs et modèles d’intervention dans l’innovation technopédagogique

The culture of actors and intervention models in technopedagogical innovation
Daniel Peraya - Université de Genève, Switzerland
Jacques Viens - Université de Montréal, Canada
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Integrating ICTs into an educational context goes beyond the simple mastery of the tool by the educator. For some years now, existing competency standards take into account other aspects that include using ICTs in lesson planning, class management and continuing education. But these often-interminable lists say more about the culture’s objects than about the culture itself as a vital element of intervention. This article presents and compares two models for piloting and supporting innovation in e-learning that yield insights into the factors at play and support those involved in the training device. Our efforts at modelling these factors have allowed us to identify four subdomains characteristic of the culture of ITC integration and its stakeholders. These are representation/vision; skills/resources; attitudes; and practices. Articulating these elements yields indicators that allow the aspects needing development and support to be identified, in order to optimize the chances for success in ITC integration.

Available online: 2006-02-27


Peraya, D., & Viens, J. (2005). Culture des acteurs et modèles d’intervention dans l’innovation technopédagogique. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 2(1), 7-19.