Intégration des CLOM dans une université à distance – Retour d’expérimentation à la TÉLUQ

Integration of OLMCs in a distance university: Feedback on the TÉLUQ experiment
Gilbert Paquette - Centre de recherche LICEF, Télé-université, Canada
Claude Coulombe - Centre de recherche LICEF, Télé-université, Canada
Monique Charpentier - Centre de recherche LICEF, Télé-université, Canada
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In an open university such as Télé-université (TELUQ) having delivered distance training for over 40 years and online courses and programs for over twenty years, the integration of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) takes forms that are different from a campus university offering mainly classroom instruction. To clarify the challenges, a pilot project was carried out at the end of 2014 to design, produce and deliver on an international scale, two courses using a MOOC approach. The objectives of the project were to evaluate the new possibilities offered by the instructional approach adopted in most MOOCs, compared to those actually in use for distance education at TELUQ; to establish a design process for massive delivery of existing courses; to elaborate and enact a communication and a student recruitment strategy for these courses; and finally to design a generic MOOC model taking in account the context of a distance university like TELUQ. This article reports on the realization of the pilot project and provides a synthesis of its results.

Available online: 2017-02-17


Paquette, G., Coulombe, C., & Charpentier, M. (2016). Intégration des CLOM dans une université à distance – Retour d’expérimentation à la TÉLUQ. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 13(2-3), 166-180.