Tâches à distance et remédiation en anglais langue étrangère : Réflexion sur des entrées à considérer pour la conception d’outils pédagogiques ajustés aux besoins des apprenants

Distance and remediation tasks in English as a second language: A reflection on inputs to consider when designing education tools that are adaptable to learners’ needs
Cédric Brudermann - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4, Paris, France
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This article deals with the implementation of an online mediation tool in a pedagogical device intended for English for Special Purposes students in a French university (UPMC). As it is now, it comprises a customized website designed to serve as a guide through the development of the students’ work. This paper will first come back on an experiment aiming at collecting data to define a pedagogical approach supposed to take L2 learners’ needs into consideration. This overview will then be useful in a pedagogical engineering approach to design an online mediation tool. Eventually, the first results concerning the potential of this online mediation model on the second language acquisition process will be given.

Available online: 2012-09-21

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2012.213

Brudermann, C. (2012). Tâches à distance et remédiation en anglais langue étrangère : Réflexion sur des entrées à considérer pour la conception d’outils pédagogiques ajustés aux besoins des apprenants. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 9(3), 10-24. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2012.213